We've taken another look at this list and added a few more of our very favorites, sure to challenge your brain and excite your love for fantasy. Updated Januby Ryan Bamsey: Strategy games will never go out of vogue, with fantastic titles dropping all the time.

As with every genre, some titles are better than others, and here are some of the strategy games that got it right. Orcs, dragons, and sorcerers duking it out in asymmetrical warfare might look fairly straightforward but turning it into a strategy game is more complicated than it seems. Still, that makes them rare and well-remembered, more so for strategy games set in the medieval fantasy format. Medieval Military Building Blocks Middle Age. This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that helps you make an informed decision. 'Endless scenarios and replayability' is the primary reason people pick Civilization V over the competition. RELATED: Kingdom Two Crowns: Best Mounts, Ranked helisopus fashion new mens jacket gothic steampunk men long jacket long steam medieval vintage stand. Medieval Engineers shouldn’t be about troops it should be about the machinery you build. Civilization V, Age of Empires 2, and Crusader Kings 2 are probably your best bets out of the 16 options considered. They don't exactly hold a candle to battle royale or MOBAs in terms of popularity, which is why there's only a small number of them as the gaming industry enters the new decade. Even now, certain outliers and big names to the formula shake things up from time to time.

Keep your villagers nourished and happy while combating fires, sickness, and pirate attacks. Explore and scavenge resources scattered around the endless waters.

They may not be as popular as their heyday back in the 2000s, but strategy games have always been a solid genre for video games. Charming city building game Going Medieval hits Steam Early Access soon. Buoyancy is a city-building strategy game where you build, manage, and move a floating city on an oceanic world.